This is not you’re typical production studio. I know from years of experience, that we all have the ability to create amazing, professional productions from home, and often with the technology you already own. We just need some coaching to develop the right skills, and be very selective with the tools that will be needed.
This is where I can help you. I offer a number of group workshops, along with one-on-one coaching, to help you create professional results. Perhaps you just need an hour to discuss setting up some new equipment, or decide what equipment you need. Or, you’d like a full workshop to learn how to become an audio producer, create your own recordings or live streams. I offer small group, or individual coaching to students of all ages. I’ve been told I have the patience of a saint and will take all the time needed to get a student to where they need to be.
Whatever you’re looking to create, I can help you. Here are a list of my existing workshops. If you don’t see something here that you need please reach out to me to discuss individual coaching.
Future Music Producers Workshop – Level 1 (age 7 – 10, ages 11 – 14, and ages 15 – 18)
This class will introduce your aspiring Pharrell Williams to music creation within simple to use music production software. All that they will need is a modern laptop or Chromebook, and an internet connection. Students do not need to have knowledge of a musical instrument to participate. Students will exit the class with proficient skills and knowledge to allow them to create and record musical compositions using digital audio recording software… (learn more)
Future Music Producers Workshop – Level 2 (ages 11 – 14, and ages 15 – 18)
This class builds upon the knowledge gained in level 1, and uses the same familiar tools and environment to expose students to advanced production concepts. Students will exit the class with thorough audio production skills and knowledge to allow them to advance to professional digital audio recording software… (learn more)
Advanced Music Producers Workshop (recommended minimum Age 15)
This workshop exposes students to professional digital audio workstation software and teaches them the recording and mixing techniques of world-class producers and engineers… (learn more)
Video Live-streaming Workshop (ages 11 – 14, and ages 15 – 18)
Who’s going to be the next YouTube sensation? This class teaches students how to create professional video livestreams to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook Live, and other popular providers for free… (learn more)